Angelic Tableau Reading


The Angelic Tableau is a system that came to me as I was crossing a street. I saw it super clear and immediately took out my phone to type “Angel Tableau” in my notes.

This isn’t just a reading, it’s 7 layers of guidance, with guidance from 16 archangels and your own personal Guardian Angel!

The Angelic Tableau is gigantic, 17 card, 7 layered, reading that gives you guidance on every area of your life, including from your Guardian Angel and the Angel who Rules your zodiac sign! Aside from Angels, you will receive guidance from the five elements and will receive guidance on incorporating them into your life!

This reading will bring you in depth clarity and empowerment, while cementing a connection to your Angels!

This reading will be a recorded audio reading with a picture of the cards. This reading is meant to be hotline to heaven and the angels and I hope it serves you!

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