Tarot, Angels Andrew Barker Tarot, Angels Andrew Barker

Mercury Retrograde Survival Guide

Hello Starlights!,

Book Your Mercury Retrograde Reading Here

The time has come. Mercury Retrograde is on our doorstep. Cue the mass hysteria, crying, fear, and being afraid to leave the house. This has always been a time that strikes a cord of fear among people who don’t understand what this time is all about (and sometimes even in those who do understand it). 

Think of this as a time to really just slow down and relax. I have always had a really interesting relationship with Mercury Retrograde (I’ll refer to it as MX). I have decided to let you guys in on my secrets to surviving it or at least making the best out of it. Ha!

  1. I never sign major documents during MX. This is something that is known but I wanted to share this in case you haven’t heard it before. The reason for this is because MX can cause slight communication errors and signing major things like a lease or a car loan may seem fine, but you will probably realize you could have received a better offer later or find that you misread or misunderstood a term of the document. So play it safe here. That being said, this is a great time to REEVALUATE your current lease or loan or whatever. I had a decent experience renewing my lease during Mercury Retrograde last year, but I took my time and asked my Angels to bless the process. So if it MUST be done, please bring your Angels into the mix and make sure you listen to the guidance that you get from them.

  2. I always try to slow down my thought process (which is a bitch because ADD has me going a million miles a minute) and make sure I speak and talk only AFTER I have thought about what I am saying. Misunderstanding a running amuck during this time, so make sure you are really working with your throat chakra (Vishuddha) and keeping it balanced. You can do this by carrying LAPIS LAZULI in your pocket, or just by visualizing white light cleansing your throat chakra. It’s honestly as easy as just having the intention of clearing it and it’s cleared. This chakra center is where your communication in all forms come from, so making sure it’s balanced is necessary in aiding in meaningful and clear communication.

  3. BE PATIENT WITH TECHNOLOGY! MX can fuck up everything when it comes to electronics so make sure you give yourself extra time. As I’m writing this, my iPhone is acting stupid. So make sure you back up your phone if you have a smart device, back up your tablets, computers, everything. Better to be safe that sorry if Mercury decides to pay you a visit.

  4. Crystals. Crystals. Crystals. Smoky Quartz is my BEST FRIEND during MX because it is a work-horse crystal. This crystal absorbs negative energy from situations and even from your own aura! This is something I love during MX and carry A LOT of. If you don’t have Smoky Quartz, you can still work with the energy of it by just looking at a picture of it and asking the energy of the crystal to be with you! You will still notice the same effects, I promise! I carry a variety of crystals along with me and it’s really up to what you carry and what the intention you have while carrying the crystals are. We talked about Lapis Lazuli earlier, so that’s always helpful to carry! *Quick Note: Crystals themselves don’t do anything. The purpose of carrying a crystal or crystals is for them to amplify the intention that you have set :)

  5. Space/Energy Clearing. This. Is. So. Important. When your energy in your home is cleared, and your personal energy is cleared, the energy flows easier around you and it can actually help other people who don’t even know that their energy needs clearing. You can do this with sage, paolo Santo wood, with your angels, or just with your intention. Just know that this is one of the most important things you can do during this crazy time.

  6. Oracle Cards. I carry a physical Oracle Deck with me wherever I go during MX. Why? Because if I want or need encouragement, I have a tool that I can draw from that will give me that. Last MX, I used the Keepers of The Light Oracle Cards by Kyle Gray and will probably use those again!

  7. Pray/Meditate. Just ask for help. Stay aligned with your truth and keep yourself in tune with the Universe/Source/Guides and know that they have your back!

  8. Self Care. Take a bubble bath. Have a glass of wine. Read a book. Play with your pet. Don’t do anything that doesn’t make you light up. Take a walk in nature if you can. Self Care is a big key in navigating MX. When you take care of yourself, you open up more to intuitive guidance and that is crucial to MX.

  9. Set Your Intention. Your thoughts create your reality. That is a fact. If you go into this scared and worried, your experience will bring situations that scare and worry you. MX is a higher powered time of self-fulfilling prophecies. So make sure you go into this with this intention to learn and grow.

All in All, Mercury Retrograde isn’t some cosmic conspiracy to fuck your whole life up for a month. Consider it a gift from the Universe, giving you the tools and time that you need to really take care for yourself and reevaluate what you need to fix and let go of. If you want to check in with a reading to find out what this MX Theme is for you, you can do so by visiting the ‘Readings’ portion of this site in the top right, or you can just click here

May the odds be ever in your favor,



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Angels Andrew Barker Angels Andrew Barker

Being Indigo and an Archangel Message!

Hello lovely people,

I know that it’s been a while since I have been on here and written a post and I do apologize for that. Things have been a tiny bit crazy for me and I haven’t made time to sit down and write like I want to. 

So since my last post, I discovered that I, like probably quite a few of you, am an Indigo Child. Now, I know that some people think it’s fashionable to call themselves ‘crystal children’, ‘indigo children’, ‘empathic’ and all of that jazz just for attention and I assure you that is not the case here. In fact it’s the exact opposite. I resisted even thinking about being an Indigo Child, not saying it’s bad but I just didn’t want to have something else to work on to add to me growing list of things. 

I guess Spirit/The Universe/whatever had other plans for me though. I was guided to an article about Indigo Children and said “what the hell let me read this and just see what it’s about”. I was amazed at how I resonated with it! Indigos are super strong willed and we prefer to do things our on way instead of the way our parents and authority would like us to (CHECK! haha). Indigo people also diagnosed with ADD or ADHD which ‘checks’ another box for me. Our brains move faster and can process information faster so we tend to space the hell out when people are talking to us. These are just a few characteristics of Indigo children/people, however, there are tons more! But this leads us to the ‘let’s sit and chat for a spell’ part of the post. 

Indigo Card Talk

Using my ‘Indigo Angels Oracle Cards’, I asked what I was supposed to talk about today as I was shuffling and got the ‘Time to Create’ card.

We have 2 meanings for this and I want to go through both of them with you.

Meaning 1: You have been putting off something that you are called to do. Just because the card features an artist doesn’t mean you have to go paint a mural. What has your soul been calling you to do? What is that yearning you have in your heart? It’s time. Now. This is your sign if you have been looking for it. You don’t need to know the why or the how behind what you are called to do, let The Universe handle that. Just say “I am ready” and that will set the wheels in motion for you to get the guidance, support, and power you need to do whatever it is you need to. Just remain open to ANY guidance that you get even if it is to go to Target at 9:30 at night haha, you never ever know what may happen and who you might meet or what may happen!

Meaning 2: If you are an Indigo, you have pent up feelings and aggression, which is normal but you need to channel them into something creative. Buy a coloring book, paint a picture, write, dance, sing, anything. We as Indigos have such a hard time focusing on one specific task a seeing it through ( I call it ‘Shiny Syndrome’) because we are always onto the next task before one is completely finished. Archangel Metatron is the ‘keeper’, if you will, of us Indigo people and can also help us in any aspect of our lives to stay true to ourselves and to our spiritual gifts. This leads me to the next part of this post.

Spiritual Gifts and Being Indigo

If you are like me, you grew up in the Bible Belt and anything supernatural was of the Devil. Now I want to preface with the fact that I only had one Supernatural experience that I remember during childhood, there wasn’t a moment of being told “you can’t use this gift because you will go to hell” nor was there any suppressing of any Psychic ability. However, if you went through that, I am terribly sorry. I had a slightly different experience where anything supernatural (other that a guy healing people and rising from the dead to save you from going to a place that doesn’t exist so that an organization can get your money) was discouraged from the get-go. I remember always being intrigued by the world of the supernatural though, from Greek Mythology to my first tv Psychic Sylvia Browne (RIP) I was hooked. I felt a kindredness with the otherworldly things even among warnings that it was wrong. The reason I bring this up is that it has caused me some issues now that I am an adult in fully submersing myself into anything Spiritual until about a year ago maybe. Since we are Indigos, if our gifts aren’t nurtured or accepted, we can shut them down easily, and this isn’t what we need to do, especially now when are so needed in this world to be the bright lights that we are. If you find yourself in this position, all you have to do is ask Archangel Metatron to help you slowly open yourself up to your gifts. That’s it. He will help you without hesitation. 

Metatron Message

When I asked Metatron for a message he said this: “I am always here. It takes only a whisper and you will feel my presence. Beloved Indigo, I have been blessed with the ability to watch over you and help you down your life’s journey. I will never leave any of you, but will never be able to intervene without you inviting me to. I respect you, brave one, for choosing to come into this world bearing gifts that others dream of to heal, uplift, and change the energy of everyone you meet and of the planet on which you live. You are special, and you are who the world needs. For we need those that see no color or division, to rise up and remain in their gifts to help raise others up to bring unity to all you see. You are loved.”

I hope you have found this useful, please let me know in the comments!


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Tarot, Oracle Cards Andrew Barker Tarot, Oracle Cards Andrew Barker

Deck Pressure

**DISCLAIMER: The decks listed in this post are amazing decks, I just didn’t resonate with them, so don't start a witchhunt**

Hi, my name is Andrew and I am a tarot-holic.

*In Unison* “Hi Andrew”

If you have been following me for a while, you know that I LOVE Tarot and Oracle Decks, and I have quite a few (80 last time I counted) of them. Something struck me tonight, that has actually struck me before but I figured people wouldn’t really want to read about it…so if you don’t…then #byefelicia. 

What I want to talk about is Deck Pressure. This isn’t something where people literally force you to buy a deck. No, this is where you see a deck so often on social media that you just HAVE to have it, not because you resonate with it, but because you see the people you love and look up to have gotten it, and you want to have it as well. You may or may not connect with it, but you hope that connection comes.

This has become more and more apparent to me as I have been cleaning out my decks that I just don’t resonate with at all. 

I think back on a particular deck that I bought, The Starchild Tarot. I didn’t connect to the imagery that much, at all. Not that it wasn’t beautiful, because oh my god it’s GORGEOUS, but I just didn’t connect with it at all…my intuition hit roadblocks every time I took the deck out. I got it because I saw that everyone else had it and I wanted it as well. So I spent $80 on a deck I hardly ever used and later sold. 

I am kind of going through this right now with the “Animal Spirit Oracle”. I saw that people were raving about it and I decided to get it because I guess I wanted to be like the ‘cool kids’….and I honestly don’t resonate with it….at all. I don’t know why, but it doesn’t set my spirit on fire or give me goosebumps. The deck is stunning, a masterpiece even. Visually, there is little that can compare. But I didn’t connect to it and bought it anyway. 

See what I mean here? I know I’m not the only one that this has happened to or happens to.

I am feeling a call to calm the fuck down on buying decks that I don’t resonate with immediately. I mean, so what if I don’t have a deck that someone else has? If I don’t connect with it, what damn good is it to have? It collects dust on my shelf and never gets used and I wasted my money.

Now, there is NOTHING wrong with having tons of decks. I am sure I am going to get to 100 before years end haha, hopefully, more will clear out, but who knows? Each deck is different in the way that it communicates with us and in the way our intuition interprets the imagery. That’s the beauty of Tarot and Oracle cards! But know that I have seldom had it happen that I bought I deck I didn’t connect with, and it grew on me to the point I LOVED it. 

I know this post isn’t that interesting, but to those of you who are collectors, you don’t have to catch ‘em all. Buy what jives with YOU! If something catches your eye, look up reviews on it! Research it! 

But don’t buy a deck because you feel like you have to because everyone else has it. 

Tarot is such an individual journey, don’t let your ego trick you into thinking you have to “keep up with the jones’”. This can lead to debt, anxiety, and greed. We don't want that energy around us.

It doesn't matter if you have 1 deck or 100 decks, it has no impact on how talented you are as a reader and/or healer. 

This also goes for your favorite deck creators! Don't feel pressured into buying a deck just because your favorite author/artist made it. I learned this is hard way, haha. You aren't obligated by any means to buy a deck even if you have every deck this person has made. There are some Alana Fairchild and Stacey Demarco decks that don't resonate with me for one reason or another. Does that mean I don't love their work? NOT AT ALL! I love their work, but there is no rule that says I have to resonate with the theme of the deck or whatever else may not jive with me about it.

The same goes for you! 

I hope this helped!

Angel Blessings,


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Tarot Andrew Barker Tarot Andrew Barker

Weekly Reading for August 22nd-28th, 2016

Hello, everyone! 

We have another blog post for a weekly reading, as my schedule is just insane as of late. So I apologize that you don't get to see my lovely face (hahaha). But this is going to be a helluva week!

We start off with the 'Ace of Swords'! So we are going to have breakthroughs in ideas or thought patterns. This is going to involve cutting away things keep you from thinking clearly and making decisions from the logic part of your brain and spirit. For those of you that are Water signs and Fire Signs, you instinctively go with your emotion (Waters signs) and your Passions (Fire Sign). Earth and Air signs are more practical so I don't see having TOO hard of a time with these types of logical decisions. This is going to be a big change for some people, but welcome it! I am drawn to what Wayne Dyer said "When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change"....don't be afraid to look at things differently just because you have seen them a certain way for a long time!

This is going to lead to a MAJOR role change as we see the 'King of Wands' standing tall and firm in his passions and beliefs. This week carries an energy of the realization of the power and authority that YOU have as an extension of the very energy that created you! You are powerful, so stop living as though your circumstances are outside of your control. We bring everything to us through what we think and say, so change what you think and say. Change how you see situations and watch them change before your eyes!

This week is going to be INTENSE, so at the end of the week, we are called to meditate and rest. Get to know yourself on an even deeper level and unlock that knowledge that comes from truly knowing who you are!

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Angels Andrew Barker Angels Andrew Barker

Step Up, Stay Grounded, and Get to Work!

Hey guys. It’s no secret that in the recent months tragedy after tragedy has occurred, leaving us feeling scared, vulnerable, and uneasy. Some of us feel these things more than others, and that is okay. Some of us try to block it out and ignore it, and that isn’t okay. As lightworkers, we are going to be confronted with negative situations and we have to know how to handle them, or we won’t be very effective in our healing work. 

    Our job description is to help the world and be able to spread light and love to heal all that is wrong. We can’t do this by blocking out negativity. Think of a wave of water coming at you, if you anchor yourself into the sand, you have a better chance of staying on your feet when you are anchored.

    That is what grounding does for us! By grounding, we remain unmovable in our beliefs and in the light that we are here to spread.

So how can you remain grounded? I’m glad you asked.

  1. Unplug from the media and technology. It is so easy to get engrossed in your computer, phone, tablet, tv, and whatever else you have. While these things aren’t bad at all (I work at Verizon so they literally help me pay bills) but they are tools that can bring us down and keep us in a  cycle of fear energy that we don’t need.
  2. Take a walk in nature. So this may seem obvious but it can really help to connect with nature and just relax. However, if it is too hot to go outside, then listen to nature music, spend time with your pet, get a plant, something to bring nature to you.
  3. Ask for help! Know that your Angels are ALWAYS around you and WANT to help you! Sometimes we get lost in all of the hurt and confusion of the world and we wonder where our help is. The answer is all around us. I am so guilty of this. I sit back and wonder, why is this happening? And then I realize that I have a small part in helping this, just like you do. We can ask our Angels to help us get, and stay, grounded and they WILL reply. 
  4. Meditate. This is a hard one for a lot of people, myself included, to do consistently because life does get in the way and we lose our priorities along the way. This isn’t a beat up, but we all do it. Meditation is wonderful for connecting us to Source/God/The Universe and our Angels to receive messages that can help the world grow and help us grow stronger.
  5. This is one of my favorites to do. You can actually do this as you are sitting down at work, home, or school. Visualize roots coming out of your feet and stretching into the Earth. Take deep breaths in and out and do this for as long as you can, need, or want to.
  6. I asked the Angels for a message and they said this: “Be Present”. This is remarkable because how often to we worry or think about the future? Way too often. We are hardly ever just present in the moment and we aren’t THANKFUL and GRATEFUL in that space. It’s cliche but true when they say “The Present is a gift”. This is SUPER important to remember because when we take it moment by moment and stop worrying about things that are out of our control, that helps us remain grounded and centered in our bodies and spirits.
  7. Sending Light to the world. When you do see those horrible news stories, send light to that location and to the people involved. Then CUT YOUR CORDS TO IT! Don’t let it remain a part of your energy field and aura.
  8. Carrying on from the previous, cut your cords to any place and any person that causes you unrest and don’t be sorry about it. We as lightworkers and sensitive people often feel like we have to be the ‘listening ear’ to ever damn thing in the world and that IS NOT true! If you feel like you are being drained energetically, just walk away. It isn’t rude to put your energetic and spiritual needs FIRST! In fact, you NEED to. You’ve got this! Ask Archangels Michael and Metatron to help you with this, and then ACT on what you think, feel, hear, and see as guidance comes to you.

I really hope that this has helped you. My prayers are with all of us and the world. You’ve got this! 

Angel Blessings,



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Angels, Angel Cards Andrew Barker Angels, Angel Cards Andrew Barker

Acceptance and Healing!

Hello Everyone,


This is the first blog post I have written in a while, due to my crazy busy schedule and just being generally exhausted haha. But I was told to draw a card and write about it. So here it goes:

This world needs love, tolerance, and acceptance. We have suffered a huge loss this week and we can’t let this happen again. But how can we change things? What can little folks like us do to make a difference? 

The card I drew is “Acceptance” from the Daily Guidance from your Angels Oracle Cards. We have GOT to start looking at others through they eyes of Angels. There is good AND evil, positive AND negative, inside all of us! We can’t escape that. 

So what if people have different political views? Yes, it may be infuriating, but what if we focused on sending them positive energy instead of tearing them down, even if that’s what they do to others? Why are people so upset at one person loving another person? Does gender really matter? NO! The Bible says to pray for those who persecute you and, while the Bible and I have decided to see other people, that rings true on an energetic level as well! 

When we are operating in a high vibration, we are able to see things WAY more clear. Keeping our vibrations high can be as simple as just thanking the Universe/God/Source/Whatever for what you have and showing gratitude. It could be smiling at a stranger that helps them have the courage to be nice to others and start a ripple effect. 

People need us. If you are lightworker, GET TO WORK!  We are here to spread love, peace, and tolerance. Get involved in causes close to your hearts. Become an advocate for what you believe in. Take a stand to let others know that they are NOT alone! 

Show unconditional love to others! 

That being said; unconditional love is NOT being treated like a doormat and letting people walk all over you. Also, loving yourself is just as important. You have to send love to yourself before you can send love to other people!  Own how fucking amazing you are and send that energy out to others! They will begin to feel that way as well! 

Go forth. Love Yourself. Love Others. Change the world!

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Tarot Andrew Barker Tarot Andrew Barker

Financial Healing $pread!


Manifestation can't occur until we get to the bottom of what needs healing around our finances. If something is awry, it will cause an unbalance. This spread is to help you get to the bottom of what need healing! 

Use #tarotangel444 on instagram and show me what you got!


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Angels Andrew Barker Angels Andrew Barker

Archangel Quiz!


Archangels are among the most powerful. They oversee all other Angels, including our Guardian Angels! They are loving, supportive, and always wanting to speak to us! This quiz will help you identify which Archangel is trying to get your attention!

Question 1: What color are you most draw to?

A) Blue

B) Green

C) Orange

D) Pink

Question 2: Which area of your life is stressing you out the most?

A) Safety

B) Health

C) Being able to follow your passions

D) Money/Finances/Career

Question 3: If you had one wish, what would it be?

A) You and your loved ones protected from harm 

B) Perfect Health

C) The courage to follow your dreams and passions

D) Never having to worrying about having enough resources

Question 4: Which of these describes your feelings about money?

A) My personal, spiritual, and psychic protection is more important.

B) Taking care of my health is more important than stressing about money

C) I use my money mostly to pursue my dreams and passions. 

D) Money is a top priority to me, I have to have financial stability to feel safe.

Question 5: How do you feel about your passions and interests?

A) I love feeling peaceful and safe in following my passions and interests

B) If I am not feeling my best, I can't give my attention to my passions and hobbies

C) I follow my passions and dreams to the fullest extent and enjoy doing so!

D) I primarily use my money to fund my passions, interests, and hobbies.

Question 6: Safety (psychic, physical, and spiritual) ________?

A) is the most important 

B) is important, but not more important than my health.

C) is important so that I can fully follow my heart in pursuing my passions.

D)  is feeling financially secure at all times.

Question 7: When you think about your health, which of these apply more?

A) Feeling safe everywhere I go, and protecting my energy, is part of my health routine.

B) My health is the most important thing to me. Spiritual, Physical, Mental, I am always on my game.

C) I want to be healthy so that I can continue following my dreams and passions to the fullest!

D) Financial health is the most important, but I focus on my physical health as well.

Alright! Time to tally up and check your results!

Mostly A's -Archangel Michael

Image from the Archangel Power Tarot by Doreen Virtue and Radleigh Valentine

Image from the Archangel Power Tarot by Doreen Virtue and Radleigh Valentine

This powerful Angel is coming to you to remind you that you are safe and protected always. Archangel Michael always appears with his battle armor and sword, ready to cut away any negativity from our lives. If you answered mostly A's, take a moment to ask Archangel Michael to release you from any fears or negativity so that you can live your life purpose fully and peacefully.

Mostly B's- Archangel Raphael

Image from the Archangel Power Tarot by Doreen Virtue and Radleigh Valentine

Image from the Archangel Power Tarot by Doreen Virtue and Radleigh Valentine

Archangel Raphael is the Angel of health and healing. If you have been struggling with health or healing, call upon Raphael to help you in anyway that he can! This can mean healing you himself, or sending you down the right path to someone who can. Raphael also assists healers and those who want to help others. Another aspect of Archangel Raphael is bring a soul mate to you! So if you got mostly B's, Archangel Raphael is knocking on the door, let him in and don't be afraid to ask for his help or guidance.

Mostly C's- Archangel Gabriel

Image from the Archangel Power Tarot by Doreen Virtue and Radleigh Valentine

Image from the Archangel Power Tarot by Doreen Virtue and Radleigh Valentine

If you got mostly C's then Archangel Gabriel is the one calling out to you. Gabriel is Angel is of clear messages and communication. She helps writers, teachers, parents, and those who are trying to follow their passions. If you have been following your passions, but things just don't seem to work out, call upon Gabriel to help you see where things could change. She can open up a clear line of communication between you and your higher self to help you reach your full potential!

Mostly D's- Archangel Ariel

Image from the Archangel Power Tarot by Doreen Virtue and Radleigh Valentine

Image from the Archangel Power Tarot by Doreen Virtue and Radleigh Valentine

Mostly D's says that you have money on the brain! Archangel Ariel is the angel of finances, manifestation, and careers. There are other things about her that we will focus on in later quizzes, but this is her big thing. Ariel is considered to be the Archangel closest to earth, that's why she reigns over the monetary aspects of our lives. If you have been experiencing hardships with money or your career, ask Ariel to help you keep your mindset positive so that you can manifest financial security or a better career, if that is what you want. Never think that asking for money is bad! It is PERFECTLY fine! 

I hope that you enjoyed this Quiz! This is the first thing I have done like this. If you would like to learn even more about the angels, including how to see them, hear them, talk to them, and develop a relationship with them, including the ones above, I invite you to check out my “Angels & You” Program by clicking the link. It is a place where you, and others, can talk about the Angels, learn about them, and experience their power! So check it out, and see you there!

Angel Blessings!


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Tarot, Oracle Cards, Angel Cards Andrew Barker Tarot, Oracle Cards, Angel Cards Andrew Barker

Personal Power Chakra Spread!

Helloooo!!1 (said in the Mrs. Doubtfire voice haha) 

I made this spread to help you get in touch with your personal power with the help of you chakras! Be sure to share your readings with #tarotangelchakras on Instagram! I would love to see what you get and answer any questions you have!! 

You can use Tarot, Oracle, or BOTH! 


Angel Blessings!


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Angel Cards, Oracle Cards, Tarot, Angels Andrew Barker Angel Cards, Oracle Cards, Tarot, Angels Andrew Barker

Connecting with Angels


    Whether you are a seasoned pro at Angels like Doreen Virtue, or a complete and total novice having only heard of Angels in Church or not at all, we can all benefit from knowing how to connect with Angels in all of the many different ways that are available to us! That’s what this post is all about!

    So, let’s lay some groundwork, Angels are basically messengers of God. They are extensions of Divine Energy, Light, and Love. So there is nothing to be afraid of in asking for their help. Don’t pay attention to the crazy people who claim that Angels belong to a certain belief system either, that is just B.S. Angels are nondenominational and you do NOT have to be a perfect little boy or girl for them to help you. So know that no matter who you are, or what you have done, they are ALWAYS willing to help you!

 While there are literally zillions of ways to connect that are unique to each person, I am going to cover only a few.

Asking for Help

The first of these seems really easy (because it is) because it is simply ASKING! That’s right. Asking. By just asking for help, you open yourself for a multitude of heavenly hosts to sweep in and lift out of trouble. Of course, we have to know that an Angels isn’t going to come down in all of its heavenly glory and help you get out of a speeding ticket, that isn’t what they are for. Now, don’t get me wrong in saying that they WON’T help with that, they can, if you were maybe distracted or having a bad day, but not if you were intentionally speeding, as that could hurt someone else potentially. Angels aren’t that ‘Get out of Jail Free Card’  that is at your disposal day and night. They are beings that truly care for you, want to help you, and want to see you succeed and have a beautiful life!

This brings me to Free Will. The Angels can only help us if we ask, unless it is a case for Divine Intervention and they need to step in to save your life or something like that. If you are looking for a new job and are wondering why the Angels aren’t helping you, stop and ask yourself if you actually ASKED them for help. If you did, then don’t take the silence personally, they are just working for you bringing you what you desire in the right time table for Heaven. If you didn’t, then go ahead and get on that! It’s amazing that sometimes just asking for help seems like too much, like we don’t have time for it and then we wonder why things go to hell in a hand basket. Angels are standing around you at all times, Angels that are ASSIGNED to YOU and ONLY YOU, and they want to be put to work! Don’t ever think that you are asking too much of your Angels, they were made to help you! 


This means that you ‘see’ the Angels clearly and that you ‘see’ the messages that they have for you. This happens in your mind’s eye, like a movie in your head. This can be a tad overwhelming for a lot of people when it first happens because you don’t know what to expect and you are worried that you are going to see something negative. i can assure you that, if you ask for protection, you won’t see anything scary. So, without getting way too deep for a ‘101’ post, You can just ask your Angels to help you be able to see them and then pay attention to what you ‘see’ when you look at other people or even when you ‘zone out’. You may start out seeing colors, and that is GREAT! This particular way to connect with your Angels is wonderful and is truly a gift! To cultivate this gift, meditate and ask your Angels to clear any residual (gross and sticky) energy from your Third Eye Chakra, located between your eyebrows. When this energy is out of whack you will notice that you have a hard time ‘seeing’ clearly. Like it’s not focused enough. For me, when I was scared of Clairvoyance, I saw lower and negative energies that were manifestations of my fear. I got rid of the fear, and haven’t seen them since! So don’t be afraid! Especially those of you who were brought up to believe that it is evil…let that belief go, breathe, and be happy! Happy ‘Seeing’! 


This is when you have a very clear thought that is sent from Heaven and your Angels. This is another amazing way that the Angels will connect with you. If you are having a hard time with a project, or a job, person, or even a pet, you can ask the Angels for ideas and then be open to what you receive from them! This also works when we pray for guidance. Our prayers are often answered in the form of ideas and thoughts. So we have to make sure that we are always on our toes to receive those answers! These answers come from your Crown Chakra located at the top of your noggin. When this is balanced and in line, you are in constant communication with the Divine and you let it guide your words thoughts and actions in every way. When this particular chakra is out of whack, you are going have those negative, degrading, sad, and useless thoughts that aren’t self serving but rather are detrimental to your spirit. Like Clairvoyance, cultivating this gift can be done through meditation. Asking the Angels, once again, to remove residual energies from that Crown Chakra. There is so much to be said for Claircognizance and it’s ability to deepen your relationship with the Angels is truly profound. I feel that this gift is often glossed over when it is one of the most crucial ways of connecting with Angels, Guides, and the Divine itself! 


 I love this one. It is my primary sense when I connect with Angels, Departed loved ones, and other energies. This is when you hear clearly, the guidance from your Angels. This one actually took me aback when it happened the first time because I was so caught up in wanting to ‘see’ them that I didn’t much think about ‘hearing’ them! I have to say, it is amazing when you get messages this way. And all you have to do is ask your Angels to whisper to you what they want you to know. This is an particularly interesting gift because once you open yourself up to it, the Angels can be little chatter-boxes! They are always telling you what you need to do, giving you advice, and sometimes just saying ‘Hi!’. Be careful that you when you ask to connect with your Angels through Clairaudience that you are protecting your energy as well. Your Ego loves to trip you up when you begin to open yourself up to guidance from your Angels. They will never say anything negative, degrading, or hurtful to you or about you. If this happens then immediately ask that your energy, and the energy around you, be cleared. 


This is the last of the “Clairs” . This is all about FEELING! When I conduct Mediumship readings and a Spirit is proud of the Client, they make me feel proud and happy! This a beautiful gift because it can literally give you hope and peace. If you are stressed out, just ask your Angels for feelings of peace and happiness. They WILL come through for you! Pay attention to everything you feel (if you are a Cancer, this is easy haha) once you ask for guidance and just let it flow through you! It’s just that simple! 

  Tarot/Oracle Cards

One more way to connect with Angels is the one I use every single day. Tarot and Oracle Cards, Angel oriented or not, are a wonderful way to get guidance! The greatest this about this method is that it can ‘trigger’ any one, or ALL, of the gifts mentioned above!  Every single person on earth has the gifts that I have talked about, it just takes practicing them! Tarot and Oracle cards have such an amazing source of inspiration for myself and millions of people. The Angels can use these as well if you let them! Sit quietly, get rid of distractions, breathe and center yourself, ask your Angels a question, shuffle the deck until you feel the need to stop, and draw a card! It is that simple! If you are interested in this method but don’t have any decks of your own, I HIGHLY suggest the Archangel Power Tarot Cards and The Archangel Oracle Cards, both by Doreen Virtue. They are AMAZING at helping you connect with your Angels! 

 I truly hope this post has helped you and enlightened you! If you would like an Angelreading with me, you can click here! I would to help you connect to your Angels and empower you to do the same! 

Be blessed you beautiful soul!


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Angels, Interviews, Tarot Andrew Barker Angels, Interviews, Tarot Andrew Barker

My Interview with Vicky Maxwell!!

So it's safe to say that I absolutely adore Vicky and her work at New Age Hipster! I was so happy to be able to interview her! I hope you guys enjoy it as much as we did!  

When did you start working with Angels and how did your interest get 'peaked' in the topic?

A couple of years ago I was putting in a crystal order online and for no apparent reason whatsoever I found myself clicking the buy button on a pack of Angel cards. I actually can't even remember what was going through my mind as I did it! The cards came and I was hooked. I had them for a week and had started getting really into the energy, it was so easy to connect with! I started asking the Angels for signs and I remember finding a white feather on the couch! :O There's just no way it could have gotten there by itself. I was totally hooked from that moment on!


What Angel do you work with most often?

Archangel Michael. He's always with me. I'm pretty sure he's actually one of my guardian angels too since he never leaves my side! Archangel Raphael is around a lot too. He's super cute.


What is your process of 'tuning in' to your intution and/or the Angels?

It really depends what I'm doing. Sometimes I just whisper to myself - "Angels what do you most need me to know?" Other times I'll do a big hoo-hah with candles, visualisations, calling all the Angels in. I really think it's super important to do what works for you and what feels right. I'm always discovering new ways of tuning in! I will say that crystals definitely help me though, especially selenite!


What is the most powerful experience you have had with an Angel/God/ Goddess/Spirit?

When I first started working with Angels Archangel Raphael came to me when I was sick. It was just a head cold, but I was acting like it was man flu (I'm not very good at being sick!). I called him in and was talking to him like I was on my death bed. I felt this burst of air across my body and he just started talking to me! We had this amazing conversation about why it was part of the human experience to have a cold sometimes. He was hilarious, such a great sense of humour. We just got along so well. I also had this cool experience when I woke up one night and I know I wasn't meant to and I saw this amazing green light over my body! :O


You are currently running your business full-time, and that is AMAZING! What suggestions or tips do you have for those who are wanting to take that leap?

That it's really hard work. I had this vision of myself in fluffy slippers watching infomercials and taking the odd call, but that couldn't be further from the truth! I worked my butt off starting my biz as a side gig for ages. I worked nights and weekends while I worked full time in a really stressful job. I did 100 free readings for strangers (I'd been reading for friends for years) before I started selling my services. Running a spiritual biz isn't just about doing readings, you have to learn the business side of things too, which isn't always easy! Marketing, software, systems, finances, sales, taxes. But if you're willing to put in the time, energy and love it can be the best thing you ever do!


What hurdles did you have to get through when it came to reading for others?

The biggest thing I struggled with was confidence. My friends had been telling me for years they loved my readings, but I always thought they were just saying that because they had to! Doing 100 readings for people I didn't know really helped me with that, and I'd recommend it to anyone who isn't that confident in their ability yet, or at least do readings for donations or pretty cheap. At the end I had 98% accuracy and learned two really important lessons from the 2% and I thought that was pretty good so I started my biz!


What is your process for creating spreads?

I read intuitively so I don't always use a spread in my readings, I usually just shuffle and see in my mind's eye where the cards are going to go and what they mean. Sometimes I'll hear a number like 7 in my head and then I'll put down 7 cards and they will tell me the positions and what they mean. If I'm reading for myself I'll write it down quickly and I then test it with a few different spreads, make some alterations if needed and that's that!


What is the most used deck in your collection?

My most used Angel deck is probably Daily Messages from your Angels (my first deck!) or the Archangel Oracle cards, both by Doreen Virtue! My most used Tarot deck is the Rider Waite Smith.


What advice to do you have for those who want to work with Angels who haven't before?

It's super easy. Close your eyes right now and just say - hey angels, wanna hang out? Grab yourself a deck of cards and don't look back!

For more information on Vicky, check out her website at www.newagehipster.co! 

Angel Blessings guys!!!  


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